Tuesday 10 May 2016

Pres. Buhari to host French president, others to security summit on Saturday May 14th

President Buhari will host the second Regional Security Summit in Abuja on Saturday, May 14th. Participants in the summit will include President Francois Hollande of France, who hosted the first Regional Security Summit in Paris in May 2014. Other attendee at the Abuja Regional Security Summit will be the Presidents of Cameroon, Niger Republic, Chad and Benin Republic.

The US, UK, EU, ECOWAS, Equatorial Guinea, Econ Comm of Central African States & Gulf of Guinea Comm will also be represented at the summit. At the top of the Agenda at the Abuja Security Summit will be the successful conclusion of ongoing military operations against Boko Haram.

President Hollande will arrive Abuja on an official Visit to Nigeria on Friday. He'll be received by PMB at the Pres Villa on Sat morning

Monday 9 May 2016

FRSC convicts 62 motorists in Jos

The Federal Road Safety Commission, FRSC, in Plateau State has convicted 62 motorists of various traffic offences in Jos.

The Public Education Officer of the commission in the state, Andrew Bala, told the News Agency of Nigeria on Sunday that the offenders were arrested during a mobile court proceedings carried out by its officers on May 7.

He said the exercise took place on some highways within Jos-Bukuru metropolis.

According to him, mobile court has become a veritable tool that the corps uses to curtail the many anomalies on highways to reduce road traffic crashes.
“Our men on patrol actually arrested 63 motorists but one was discharged and acquitted while 62 were found guilty and convicted.

“We mostly use the mobile courts these days because we feel there is the need to give motorists fair hearing, and for me it is a better deal,” he said.

He added that the most prevalent offences were overloading, use of worn-out tyres, vehicle licence violation and driver’s licence violation.
Others include use of phone while driving, seatbelt violation and lack of caution signs.
Mr. Bala further explained that none of the convicted motorists were imprisoned; adding that another reason for the mobile court exercise was to rid highways of under-age drivers.

He assured the public that officers and men of the command would make the mobile court exercise as a routine measure to checkmate the excesses of drivers on highways.

Nigeria bans unauthorised use of drones

[Photo: cnn.com]
[Photo: cnn.com]
The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, has banned the launching of Remotely Piloted Aircraft, RPA, in the Nigerian airspace without its permit and that of the Office of National Security Adviser, ONSA.

This is contained in a statement issued by the General Manager, Public Relations, NCAA, Sam Adurogboye, which was made available to the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, on Sunday in Lagos.

The statement said the move was part of the safety guidelines issued by the regulatory agency to drone operators following the proliferation of the technology in the country.

“In recent times, RPA/UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are being deployed for commercial and recreational purposes in the country without adequate security clearance.

“Therefore with the preponderance of these operations, particularly in a non-segregated airspace, there has to be proactive safety guidelines.

“The development of the use of RPA nationwide has emerged with somewhat predictable safety concerns and security threats.”

According to the statement, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is yet to publish Standards and Recommended Practices, SARPs, as far as certification and operation of civil use of RPA is concerned.

The statement said the NCAA had therefore put in place Regulations/Advisory Circular to guide the certification and operations of civil RPA in the Nigerian airspace.

It said this was contained in the Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig. CARs 2015 Part and the Implementing Standards (Nig.CARs 2015 Part IS.

“Therefore, no government agency, organisation or an individual will launch an RPA/UAV in the Nigerian airspace for any purpose whatsoever without obtaining requisite permit from the NCAA and ONSA.

“The NCAA wishes to reiterate that all applicants and holders of permits to operate RPA/Drones must strictly be guided by safety guidelines.

“In addition, operators must ensure strict compliance with the conditions stipulated in their permits and the requirements of the Nig. CARs,” the statement said.

It added that violators would be sanctioned according to the dictates of the new rules.

Friday 6 May 2016

Brazil President Rousseff Vows To Fight As Senate Committee Considers Trial

Brazil President Rousseff Vows To Fight As Senate Committee Considers Trial

Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff has struggled to survive politically in the face of Brazil's biggest ever corruption scandal and its worst recession since the 1930s. (Reuters photo)
Brasilia:  Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff vowed on Friday to resist her removal from office until the end, as a Senate committee met to vote on whether the leftist leader should be put on trial in the full chamber for breaking budget laws.

The impeachment process is expected to lead to Rousseff's suspension from office next week, pending a trial that could last six months, during which Vice President Michel Temer will replace her as acting president.

Only five of the 21 members of the upper house committee have said they will vote against sending Rousseff for trial, meaning her opponents comfortably have the majority they need to recommend the full Senate vote on Wednesday to try her.

"I will resist until the last day," Rousseff said at an event where she announced the delivery of low-cost housing. The president said she would not resign because she committed no crime and called her looming ouster a "coup d'etat."

If the Senate convicts her, Temer would serve out the remainder of Rousseff's second term through 2018. The Supreme Court has rejected government requests to halt the impeachment process.

Rousseff has struggled to survive politically in the face of Brazil's biggest ever corruption scandal and its worst recession since the 1930s. Her removal would mark an end to 13 years of leftist rule by the Workers Party that began in 2003 under her mentor, former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Rousseff's supporters on the Senate committee called for annulment of the impeachment proceedings because the man who launched them last year, lower house speaker Eduardo Cunha, was removed from office on Thursday by the Supreme Court for obstructing the investigation of corruption accusations against him.

Workers Party Senator Lindbergh Farias said the ouster of Rousseff was aimed at undoing Lula's work to help the poor, and at rolling back workers' benefits, privatizing state companies and realigning Brazil's foreign policy with the United States.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Governor Obiano visits victims of petrol explosion in Onitsha, advises residents to be cautious

The Governor of Anambra State, Willie Obiano, today, visited the casualties of a petrol fire explosion that occurred on Atani Road yesterday night in the outskirts of Onitsha, Anambra State.
The explosion occurred at about 8 on Wednesday, May 5 at Eva Water Staff settlement, Kara on the way to Atani in Ogbaru Local Government Area. According to reports, the explosion was from fuel stored in jerry-cans. 13 persons received degree of burns. No death was recorded.
The governor who arrived Toronto Hospital, Onitsha where thirteen people who sustained various degrees of burns in the explosion which was erroneously speculated to be a bomb with his aides was quick to allay the fears of the residents on the incident and assure them that the state was safe. 
He regretted that because of the prevailing scarcity of petrol,Nigerians had resorted to storing fuel in jerry cans in residential areas thereby exposing themselves to extreme danger and warned the people to desist from the habit of storing petrol in their homes as the consequences were often dire.
He advised Ndi Anambra to demonstrate greater safety consciousness by keeping all inflammable items away from their homes to avoid unpleasant occurrences. The Governor also undertook to offset the medical bills of the casualties.

  Nigerian man stabs a fellow Nigerian to death in Ghana over toothbrush

A 26-year-old Nigerian has been arrested by police for allegedly stabbing his compatriot to death during a brawl over a used toothbrush at the Beach Drive Road at Nungua in Accra, Ghana.
The suspect identified as Marvelous Okere-Son, a trader living together in the same room with other occupants "engaged the deceased" Sunday Orga, 27  in an open fight over his stolen tooth brush on Saturday, April 30, 2016.

Speaking to Starr News, the Greater Accra Regional Police spokesperson Afia Tenge, said in the course of the confrontation Okere took a bottle, broke it and stabbed the left rib of the deceased.
Reports received indicated that the suspect and deceased were from Delta State, Nigeria and arrived in Ghana only two weeks and were squatting with five other Nigerians.
On that fateful day, the victim, Sunday Organ after realizing that his friend Marvelous had taken his tooth brush and had not returned it, he confronted him. This led to a fierce fight. They were separated and told to vacate the room.
The two continued the fight outside the compound. The deceased slapped the suspect. In anger Marvelous grabbed an empty wine bottle, broke it and used the sharp edge to stab Organ on the head and back. The victim fell down and lost consciousness.
"He bled profusely and when he was rushed to the LEKMA Hospital he passed on," Tenge stated. Upon interrogation, the suspect said he stabbed his colleague because he slapped him.

Okere was arrested by the police, charged for murder and is being processed for court. The remain of Orga has since been deposited at the Police Hospital morgue awaiting autopsy while investigation continues.

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back 


So you called it quits with your girlfriend and now you feeling it was so not a good idea to have let her go? You want her back in your life, but just don’t know how to get your ex-girlfriend back strategy’? Well, I guess this is your lucky day! Below is a list of positive steps to take in getting your ex-girlfriend back. Tag along and follow through with these simple steps, and you’ll win her heart back without even knowing it.

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back – Step 1

First and foremost, you need to begin with a re-connection strategy. I call this a re-connection strategy because you guys might have gone off for quite a while, and just barging in un-invited back into her life without any prior permission may put her off. It could literally ruin every dream you’ve thought of in getting her back. So I propose you use this strategy by making use of a simple text message. A re-connection can be created by sending her a message that reminds her of the fact that you still have her in your thoughts, though you guys broke up. Think of something that reminded you of her, and text it to her…. For instance, your text could read…

I was flipping through my scrap book, and I happen to come across pictures of our trip down North to visit my parents for Christmas.., thoughts of you  came back to me…’     That’s a good way to start.

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back – Step 2

Now moving on to step number two…, move over from the simple text message zone into the ‘calling her zone’. At this point, she may have gotten your message, and is probably expecting you to call her. So by actually calling, you better your chances of talking to her and initiating a proper conversation. Now that can lay the foundation to start off in winning her back.

How to win back your ex girlfriend – Step 3

how to get your ex-girlfriend back
 How to get your ex-girlfriend back in seven easy steps

Strategy three! Go on to tell her about how you really feel and have been since the break. In doing this, try not to throw things over-board. Keep it real and simple as much as possible, but at the same time bringing out how you really feel about the way you treated her and how you want things to be in the present circumstances. Don’t be too emotional about it, but if you get to break down in the process, don’t worry about it. It’s pretty normal. Every guy breaks down once a while, and in matters of the heart.., it’s no different.

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back – Step 4

Progress now to laying your cards on the table. This stage provides you with the platform to bear out all you wish to attain by re-initiating a relationship with your ex- girlfriend. Let her know what your true intentions are. Be sure to let her know she’s the one you want and feel remorse for hurting her the way you did. Attach some seriousness to wanting her back for real and let her know it’s no joke.

How to get your ex-girlfriend back – Step 5

Owning up to your shortcomings in the relationship, and apologizing for the pain caused is the next step to take now. You broke her heart.., yes, but just assure her that you didn’t mean to. Maybe you were a jerk, fine, but you realized how empty your life is without her in the picture. Let your emotions be felt at this point, because it could do a lot to change her mind about taking you back.

Getting your ex-girlfriend back – Step 6

Try not to bring in the past, while establishing new grounds for re-building your relationship with her. That’s a NO-NO! Breaking her heart was just enough to kill her, but going on and on about what happened, could even kill her more. Just don’t go there really. It won’t do you much good with her.

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back – Step 7

how to get your ex-girlfriend back
Getting your ex girlfriend back can be very easy since the spark is already there

Forget about what happened while you two were apart…, who dated who or who slept with whom. It’s not important. The two of you thought you were never going to get back together, so you tried out new and fun stuff with other people. Who cares? It’s done and it’s in the past. Don’t go worrying about all that, and definitely don’t discuss it with her either. It will only make you appear insecure and uncertain about yourself. Just let everything go and focus on winning her heart back. That’s the most important thing.

No one ever feels happy when they get dumped by their partner, and so does your girlfriend. Winning her over could take a gradual process, but every step is worth the wait if you certain about wanting her back for real.  It’s not at all going to be easy…; some ladies might fight back and resist the temptation of falling back into the arms of their ex- boyfriends for fear of getting dumped again. But if you are really determined to claim her back, it’s very much possible. Be positive about it and don’t let anybody dissuade you from doing just that.

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back was written by Otoobong Emmanuel

Salah Retires from football

Salah retires from football